Shuruudaha fasirka riyada | Dream interpretation requirements
Walaal riyada marka la fasirayo waxaa loo baahan yahay shuruudo gaar ah, haddii shuruudahan laga helo riyada waa la fasiri karaa:
1- Waa inaad riyada sheegtaa bilow ilaa dhamaad, qaabka aad ku aragtay oo faahfaahsan, wax walboo ku dhex jjiray riyada xataa ha yaraado.
2- Waa inaad sheegtaa xaalkaaga haddii aad tahay nin xaas leh ama nin doob sidoo kale naag xaas ah ama gabar doob ama naag garoob ama qof arday ah ama qof shaqeeyo ama qof safar ku maqal ama qof dalkiisa joogo sidoo kale haddaad tahay qof xanuunsan.
Haddii riyada aan shuruudahan laga heli lama fasirayo, markaas fasirka riyada guud waxaad ka ogaan kartaa qoraallada iyo muuqaallada aan baahinay.
3- Qoraalka intaadan soo dirin iska sax, haddii uu qaldan yahay, riyada lama fasirayo.
Fasirka riooyinka oo qoraal ah
Fasirka riyooyinka YouTube Channel
When a dream is interpreted, special requirements are required, if these conditions are found in the dream can be interpreted:
1- You must tell the dream from beginning to end, the way you saw it in detail, everything in the dream even be small.
2- You must report your situation if you are a married man or a singale man as well as a married woman or a girl or a woman or a divorced woman or a student or a working person or at a trip or at home country also if you are sick.
3- Before you send the text, correct it, if it is wrong, the dream is not interpreted.
If the dream that is not found in these terms is not interpreted, then you can find out the interpretation of the overall dream in the texts and scenes we have broadcast.
Fasirka riooyinka oo qoraal ah
Fasirka riyooyinka YouTube Channel